バナーJava Kitchen
Java covers most of programming fields today. In this web site, I list some of my Java materials. Most of them were created for me to understand what's going on in Java. Because I'm interested in Mathematica's J/Link, Java has very important meanings in my development. If you would like to evaluate my materials, please keep in mind that there might be another solution which would be suitable for you.


Source code for getting universal unique identifier on Linux, Windows2000, and MacOS X using the uuidgen command. (June 2002)

The application which relays packets between two sockets. GUI is omitted for efficiency. (June 2001)

Terminal application for telnet and text server.(May 2001)
PureJavaClientServer Projects

Some flavors of pure java client/server sets are listed here.

アイコン [1] PureJavaClientServer

Two pure java applications which transfer simple text message via TCP/IP sockets. Each app closes a port after one communication.(Apr 2001)

[2] PureJavaClientServer_OneSession

Each app keeps the port be opened.(May 2001)

アイコン [3] PureJavaClientServer STS

Stream to stream. Independent threads for input and ouput streams in client program.(May 2001)

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