1. Asonuma K, Ohya Y, Isono K, Takeichi T, Yamamoto H, Lee KJ, Okumura K, Ando Y, Inomata Y.
Current state of domino transplantation in Japan in terms of surgical procedures and de novo amyloid neuropathy.
Amyloid. 19: 75-7, 2012.
2. Lee KJ, Urabe T, Kouriki M, Anan T, Endo F, Inomata Y.
Heterochronous bilateral adrenal neuroblastoma: stage 4S in early infancy following resecton of stage I lesion in the neonatal period.
Pediatr Surg. Int. 28: 59-62, 2012.
3. Ishiko T, Inomata Y, Beppu T, Asonuma K, Okajima H, Takeichi T, Tikamoto A, Yamamoto H, Baba H.
An improved technique for liver transection using a new device for soft coagulation in living donor hepatectomy.
Hepatogastroenterology 59: 1907-1910, 2012.
4. Lee KJ, Urabe T, Kouriki M, Anan T, Endo F, Inomata Y.
Heterochronous bilateral adrenal neuroblastoma: stage 4S in early infancy following resecton of stage I lesion in the neonatal period.
Pediatr Surg. Int. 28: 59-62, 2012.
5. Asonuma K, Ohya Y, Isono K, Takeichi T, Yamamoto H, Lee KJ, Okumura K, Ando Y, Inomata Y.
Current state of domino transplantation in Japan in terms of surgical procedures and de novo amyloid neuropathy.
Amyloid. Suppl 1:75-7, 2012.
6. Honda M, Takeichi T, Ohya Y, Okumura K, Lee KJ, Yamamoto H, Asonuma K, Inomata Y.
A thoracoabdominal approach in revision of the hepatic hilum after left lobe living donor liver transplantation.
J Pediatr Surg. 47: e13-6, 2012.
7. Kinoshita Y, Suminoe A, Inada H, Yagi M, Yanai F, Zaizen Y, Nishi M, Inomata Y, Kawakami K, Matsufuji H, Suenobu S, Handa N, Kohashi K, Oda Y, Hara T, Taguchi T.
The prognosticsignificance of blastemal predominant histology in initially resected Wilms' tumors: a report from the Study Group for Pediatric Solid Tumors in the Kyushu Area, Japan.
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8. Nagasaka H, Miida T, Inui A, Inoue I, Tsukahara H, Komatsu H, Hiejima E, Fujisawa T, Yorifuji T, Hiranao K, Okajima H, Inomata Y.
Fatty liver and anti-oxidant enzyme activities along with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors γ and α expressions in the liver of Wilson's disease.
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9. Obayashi K, Ueda M, Oshima T, Kawahara S, Misumi Y, Yamashita T, Jono H, Yazaki M, Kametani F, Ikeda S, Ohya Y, Asonuma K, Inomata Y, Ando Y.
Pathological changes long after liver transplantation in a familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy patient.
BMJ Case Rep. 18, 2012
10. Yamashita T, Ando Y, Okamoto S, Misumi Y, Hirahara T, Ueda M, Obayashi K, Nakamura M, Jono H, Shono M, Asonuma K, Inomata Y, Uchino M.
Long-term survival after liver transplantation in patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy.
Neurology. 78: 637-43, 2012.
「そうだったのか 先天性胆道拡張症、膵・胆管合流異常の学べる知識 先天性胆道拡張症は肝移植の適応となるのか?」
胆と膵 33:91-96, 2012.
「24章 移植」
標準小児外科学 p.362-376, 2012
「31 肝移植」
新診療栄養学 第2版 p.589-59, 2012