Nagamachi A, Matsui H, Asou H, Ozaki Y, Aki D, Kanai A, Takubo K, Suda T, Nakamura T, Wolff L, Honda H*, Inaba T*. (Nagamachi and Matsui: equal contribution)Haploinsufficiency of SAMD9L, an endosome fusion facilitator, causes myeloid malignancies in mice mimicking human diseases with monosomy 7.Cancer Cell. 24(3):305-17, 2013.
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Yoshida N, Oda M, Kuroda Y, Katayama Y, Okikawa Y, Masunari T, Fujiwara M, Nishisaka T, Sasaki N, Sadahira Y, Mihara K, Asaoku H, Matsui H, Seto M, Kimura A, Arihiro K Sakai A*.Clinical significance of sIL-2R levels in B-cell lymphomas.PLoS One. 2013;8(11):e78730.
Kobayashi Y, Matsui H*, Kanai A, Tsumura M, Okada S, Miki M, Nakamura K, Kunishima S, Inaba T, Kobayashi M.Identification of integrin β3 L718P mutation in a pedigree with autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia.Br J Haematol, 160(4):521-9, 2013.
Kinoshita H, Okabe H, Beppu T, Chikamoto A, Hayashi H, Imai K, Mima K, Nakagawa S, Yokoyama N, Ishiko T, Shiniriki S, Jono H, Ando Y, Baba H*. CYLD downregulation is correlated with tumor development in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Mol Clin Oncol, 1: 309-314, 2013.
Obayashi K, Misumi Y, Watanabe T, Ando T, Akagami T, Tasaki M, Shinriki S, Ueda M, Yamashita T, Hirotani S, Ando Y. Dominant cardiac type of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy associated with a novel transthyretin variant Thr59Arg. Muscle Nerve, 48: 839-841, 2013.
Obayashi K, Tasaki M, Jono H, Ueda M, Shinriki S, Misumi Y, Yamashita T, Oshima T, Nakamura T, Ikemizu S, Anan I, Suhr O, Ando Y. Impact of antibodies against amyloidogenic transthyretin (ATTR) on phenotypes of patients with amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) ATTR Valine30Methionine. Clin Chim Acta, 419: 127-131, 2013.
小林 良行(広島大学病院 小児科), 唐川 修平, 早川 誠一, 大野 令央義, 金井 昭教, 中村 和洋, 松井 啓隆, 稲葉 俊哉, 小林 正夫出産を契機に同定できた優性遺伝型先天性血小板減少症、インテグリンαIIbβ3(GPIIb/IIIa)変異の2家系日本産婦人科・新生児血液学会誌23: 28-29, 2013
Ohshima T, Kawahara S, Ueda M, Kawakami Y, Tanaka R, Misumi Y, Yamashita T, Ohya Y, Tasaki M, Shinriki S, Jono H, Obayashi K, Westermark P, Asonuma K, Inomata Y, Ando Y: Differences of histopathological features and amyloid components among various tissue sites of FAP patients after liver transplantation. Hazenberg BPC, Bijzet J. The proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, May6-10, 2012 GUARD (Groningen unit for Amyloidosisi Reserch & Development), Groningen, The Netherlands, pp83-85, 2013
Suenaga G, Tasaki M, Ueda M, Ogawa C, Hirata A, Mikami S, Ying M, Kawahara S, Oshima T, Yanagisawa A, Shinriki S, Shono M, Jono H, Yamashita T, Obayashi K, Koike H, Ando Y: Identification and characterization of TTR amyloid associated molecules in FAP. Hazenberg BPC, Bijzet J. The proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, May6-10, 2012. GUARD (Groningen unit for Amyloidosisi Reserch & Development) Groningen, The Netherlands, pp198-200, 2013
Yamashita T, Hirano T, Hirai T, Oshima T, Okumura K, Tateishi M, Misumi Y, Yamashita S, Maeda Y, Shinriki S, Ueda M, Obayashi K, Ando Y: Detection of microbleeds in hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy associated with amyloidogenic transthyretin Tyr114Cys using susceptibility-weighted imaging. Hazenberg BPC, Bijzet J. The proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, May6-10, 2012. GUARD (Groningen unit for Amyloidosisi Reserch & Development) Groningen, The Netherlands, pp351-353, 2013
Su Y, Jono H, Torikai M, Hosoi A, Soejima K, Guo J, Tasaki M, Misumi Y, Ueda M, Shinriki S, Shono M, Obayashi K, Nakashima T, Sugawara K, Ando Y: Antibody therapy against amyloid forms of transthyretin for familial amyloidotic Polyneuropathy. Hazenberg BPC, Bijzet J. The proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, May6-10, 2012. GUARD (Groningen unit for Amyloidosisi Reserch & Development) Groningen, The Netherlands, pp444-446, 2013
松井啓隆, 金井昭教, 稲葉俊哉造血器悪性腫瘍の発症・進展におけるエピゲノム異常の関与第8回広島大学・長崎大学連携研究事業カンファランス. 2013年6月1日, 広島.
Matsui H, Nagamachi A, Ozaki Y, Asou H, Honda H, Inaba T.Haploinsufficiency of Samd9L, encoding an endosome fusion facilitator develops myeloid malignancies in mice mimicking human diseases with monosomy 7.第42回ISEH(国際実験血液学会)年次総会. 2013年8月23日, オーストリア ウィーン.
松井啓隆, 金井昭教, 稲葉俊哉Determination of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution using next generation sequencer.第72回日本癌学会学術集会 2013年10月5日, 横浜.
松井啓隆, 金井昭教, 稲葉俊哉Determination of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at single base resolution using next generation sequencer.第75回日本血液学会学術集会 2013年10月11日, 札幌.
松井啓隆, 金井昭教, 尾崎佑子, 長町安希子, 稲葉俊哉造血器悪性腫瘍の発症・進展におけるエピゲノム異常の関与日本放射線影響学会第56回大会 2013年10月18日, 青森.
Matsui H, Nagamachi A, Ozaki Y, Asou H, Honda H, Inaba T.Haploinsufficiency of Samd9L, encoding an endosome fusion facilitator, develops myeloid malignancies in mice mimicking human diseases with monosomy 7.第55回米国血液学会総会 2013年12月9日, 米国 ニューオーリンズ.
松井啓隆, 金井昭教, 稲葉俊哉次世代シーケンサーによるハイドロキシメチルシトシンの定量.第18回造血器腫瘍研究会 2014年2月7日, 東京.
Shinriki S, Jono H, Li JD, Nakamura T, Hayashi M, Guo J, Shinohara M, Ando Y. Loss of CYLD promotes cell migration through stabilized ALK5 in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. 104th AACR Annual Meeting 2013. April 6-10, 2013. Washington DC, USA. Poster presentation.
神力悟, 城野博史, 中村拓哉, 郭建エイ, 林光博, 田崎雅義, 大林光念, 篠原正徳, 安東由喜雄. CYLDの発現低下はALK5の安定化を介して口腔扁平上皮癌の遊走を促進させる. 第72回日本癌学会学術集会, 2013年10月3-5日, 横浜, 口頭